PC minutes 7th Jan 2015

Minutes of a Meeting of Bergh Apton Parish Council On Wednesday 7th January 2015 at 7.30pm In The Village Hall

  1. Members Present

    Parish Members Present
    Derek Blake (Chair), Bob Kerry, Jacqueline Byford, Richard Herring,
    Karen Myhill, Chris Mewton
    In attendance: Clerk
    Adrian Gunson, John Fuller

  2. Apologies For Absence and Declarations of Interest

    There were two apologies for absence. Derek Blake declared an interest in the planning section as he is a member of the Planning Committee at South Norfolk Council.

  3. Minutes of Meeting Held on 26th November 2014

    The minutes of the last meeting on 26th November 2014 were approved.

  4. Matters Arising

    There were no matters arising.

  5. Public Consultation

    5.1 District Councillor’s Report
    5.2 County Councillor’s Report
    One item – the fading white lines at the Mill Road crossroads which have been reported to the Highways Engineer.
    The Chairman re-opened the Parish Council Meeting.

  6. Finance
    1. Precept for 2015 agreed at £3796.00
      Made up of £196 South Norfolk Council Grant therefore Parish Precept requirement is £3600. The amount shown on bills will be £20
    2. Grant Request for Churchyard Maintenance agreed £150
    3. Grant Request for Bergh Apton Newsletter agreed £50
  7. Anglian Water Compensation

    Letter has been received from Anglian Water apologising for the water supply interruptions. As a gesture of goodwill they will be crediting the accounts of affected customers with £20, roughly equivalent to the cost of one month’s water supply and they will also donate £1,000 to a local charity or community project in the parish. There was some discussion about how best to use the £1,000 donation – one ongoing project is the football goal posts at the Village Hall – Jacqueline Byford is to meet up with Kevin Utton who is the Sales and Marketing Manager of Harrod UK Ltd the UK’s leading goal post manufacturer who lives in Bergh Apton and has kindly offered to assist with advice and the purchase of the goal posts.

  8. Village Hall Management Committee

    No report

  9. Planning Applications
    1. Oakdene, Mill Road 2014/2438 – Proposed two storey extension & single storey store – this planning application is in Alpington, so just for information
  10. Planning Approvals

    Cherry Tree Cottage, Bussey Bridge – Approval with conditions 2014/1954
    West Five 1 Mill Rd 2014/2117 To use one room in house as hairdressing salon – retrospective – Approved with Conditions
    1. Retain use in accordance with plans
    2. Personal permission – no additional employees
    3. Hours of operation Mon, Thurs, Fri (9.00am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm
    – 5.00pm) and Sat (9.00am – 1.00pm)
    4. Retention of car parking
    5. Scheme of fencing to be implemented within 3 months – details to be agreed by officers

  11. Defibrillator

    This will be looked at in May following the election

  12. Events and Correspondence
  13. Items for Future Agendas

    Dates of future Meetings:
    18 March, 22 April, 20 May (AGM/APM), 15 July, 16 September, 18 November