Parish Council

Bergh Apton Parish Council

Bergh Apton Parish Council are dedicated to representing our interests and concerns within the village. These may then be escalated for district or county council attention if needs be.

Parish Council meetings are open to the public, who are always welcome. Typically they last a couple of hours but attendees are not obliged to stay for the duration.

Meetings are typically on the last Wednesday of the month for March, May, July, September and November.

They are run according to an agenda and the minutes of the meeting are published, the Agenda for the next meeting can be found here .


Please complete the contact form here.

What can I do to help?

It can only be as effective as our involvement in it permits.
Members stand for election; the next opportunity to stand is this spring. The best first step is to come along to a meeting or two.

bergh apton parish:

Population: 428
Households: 186
Area: 805 hectares