Minutes of a Meeting of Bergh Apton Parish Council
On Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 7.30pm In The
Village Hall
Members Present
Parish Members
Derek Blake (Chair), Bob Kerry, Jacqueline Byford, Richard Herring,
Karen Myhill, Chris Mewton
In attendance: Clerk
- Apologies For Absence and Declarations of Interest
There were no apologies for absence. Derek Blake declared an interest in the planning section as he
is a member of the Planning Committee at South Norfolk Council. - Minutes of Meeting Held on 9th September 2014
The minutes of the last meeting on 9th September 2014 were approved. - Matters Arising
There were no matters arising. - Public Meeting to discuss the village website
Chris Mewton has kindly volunteered to relaunch the village website. There was a lot of discussion
from members of the public who are very supportive of the project. It was decided that Chris
Mewton would meet with representatives from all the various organisations and businesses in the
village who wish to be represented on the website so that they can be ‘trained’ to add their own
content to their own section on the website. Derek Blake reported that there are 53 small
businesses in Bergh Apton! - Public Consultation
The Parish Council was addressed by the applicant from West Five, 1 Mill Road who is seeking
retrospective permission for use of one room in her house as a hairdressing salon. They were also
addressed by the neighbour who is opposing this application, on the grounds of the noise and her
loss of privacy and her residential amenity being affected by the change of use from residential to
retail business. - The Chairman re-opened the Parish Council Meeting.
- Planning Applications
6.1 West Five, 1 Mill Road – retrospective permission for use of one room in house as hairdressing
salon 2014/2117
The following was the response from the Parish Council to the planning department. Bergh Apton
Parish Council was unable to reach a consensus over the balance between the increasing intensity
of the business and its impact on the neighbour. There clearly is an adverse impact on the
neighbour but the Parish Council felt unable to suggest appropriate conditions should the District
Council wish to approve it. This application will now be heard at the main planning committee on
10th December. - Site BER 1 Cookes Road
Julian Wells from FW properties addressed the Parish Council meeting with an update about the
site opposite the Village Hall. A planning application has not yet been submitted but he anticipated
one would be in the Spring. If this proposal was to go ahead it would be for 10 or 11 new homes
including some affordable homes. They would plan to start building late Summer 2015. He explained there were technical ways to deal with the surface water drainage issue of that land
which would help all the residents along Cookes Road. The inspectors final report is expected early
2015 and there will be an open meeting for all to attend.
- Planning Applications
- Planning Approvals
- Finance
- Grant for football posts
Jacqueline Byford will meet with Maggie Smith, Chairman Village Hall Committee to agree the site
for the football posts at the Village Hall. The Parish Council agreed to look after the grass cutting
around the posts and any upkeep needed. The small neighbourhoods grant from South Norfolk
District Council will be available in the Spring for this project to go ahead.
- Grant for football posts
- Defibrillator – Derek Blake
Derek Blake agreed to look at possible grants for the funding of a defibrillator in Bergh Apton site to
confirmed – possibly in the phone box at Sunnyside or most likely at the Village Hall. - Events and Correspondence
- Items for Future Agenda
- Dates of future Meetings:
18 March, 22 April, 20 May (AGM/APM), 15 July, 16 September, 18 November